The greater Middle East
The Eurasian Corridor
Treaty proposal Transnistria/Moldova
Explore websites about Transnistria!
European Commission: Turkey 2010 Progress Report
Turkey, Its Neighbors and the West (Transatlantic Academy)
An Israeli Strike on Iran/CPA Contingency Planning Memorandum No. 5
Strategic report Imagining the Border Options for Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Territorial Issue The Washington Institute for Near East Policy/David Makovsky
UN report Use of Chemical Weapons in the Syrian Arab Republic
Israeli's Critical Security Needs for a viable Peace -report
Israeli's Critical Security Needs for a viable Peace -video
Israel YouTube playlist: 137 videos
Foundations of the international legal rights of the Jewish people and the state of Israel
Israeli maps
Institute for Policy and Strategy (Herzliya Conference)
Moshe Dayan Centre for Middle Eastern and African Studies
Reut Institute
Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA)
The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs
The Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center
Israeli/Palestianian Peace plans
Beilin–Abu Mazen Understandings
Imagining the Border Options for Resolving the Israeli-Palestinian Territorial Issue
Herzliya Papers
The Clinton Parameters
Olmert's offer to the Palestinians: Summary , Territory , Jerusalem
Added Value: Israel’s Strategic Worth to the European Union and its Member States
Geopolitics of Israel: Biblical and Modern
e-book by
Two States for Two Peoples e-book By BICOM/Fathom

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